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A biotechnology company engaged in the development, production and distribution of innovative drugs created by genetic engineering

Founded in 1980, Amgen Is a leader in the biotechnology industry and one of the first companies to unlock the potential of a new generation of effective and safe drugs and fundamentally new approaches to the treatment of serious diseases.

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Amgen drugs have changed everyday medical practice, helping millions of people around the world to deal with severe oncological, hematological and nephrological diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and other serious pathologies. The extensive portfolio of drugs being developed to date (more than 50 new molecules at different stages of development and research) confirms the company’s commitment to using scientific advances to improve people’s lives.

Like 35 years ago, Amgen remains true to its mission:

"Serve patients suffering from severe diseases by developing innovative medicines to meet medical needs."

Amgen LLC, Russia, Moscow, 123112
Presnenskaya naberezhnaya 8, bld.1, fl.7
tel: +7(495)745-0478/79; fax: +7 (499) 995-1965

For information about our pipeline and therapies,
visit our official website

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